Article #ETMD051
Versions Affected
ETM® System v4.1 and later.
When you use the Import Wizard to import a text file of Listings into the Directory Manager, an Oracle utility called SQL*Loader performs the data transfer. When the transfer is complete, a SQL*Loader log file appears in the SQL*Loader Results dialog box. This article describes the contents of the SQL*Loader log file.
Note: The information in this article is also in the Using the ETM® System user guide and online Help.
More Information
The log file that appears in the SQL*Loader Results dialog box can be printed for reference. The log file contains the following information:
- The first section provides information about the configuration of the files and database tables that SQL*Loader uses, including the expected format of the data in the import file.
- The second section lists any records rejected for errors encountered during import, by record number, and provides a description of the error (e.g., non-numeric characters in a numeric field or excessive length of a field value). These records are not inserted and reconciled. You can either cancel the import and address the errors, or continue with the import, then correct the errors and reimport the file.
- The third section lists:
- The count of rows in the file that were successfully loaded into the database. SQL*Loader inserts the data into a table called IMPORT_LISTINGS, from which the ETM System performs the reconciliation.
- The count of entries that were not loaded because of data errors (matches the list in the second section).
- “Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed” is unlikely to have a value.
- “Rows not loaded because all fields were null” does not apply and will never have a value.
- The fourth section provides internal database information.
- The next section lists the number of records read and, of those, the number rejected (not loaded).
- The remaining sections provide time information about the import.
Last Updated
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